Dental Implants in Winnipeg

At Norwood Dental Centre in Winnipeg, we offer dental implant options to replace missing teeth and stabilize dentures.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small anchor made of titanium that is used to replace missing or failing teeth or to help secure a denture. These implants are surgically placed into bone to function like the root of your missing tooth. Dental implants are designed to maintain the surrounding bone and gums leaving you with a natural looking tooth replacement.

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Cases For An Implant

Dental implants can improve your oral health if you are missing any teeth. They can:

  • Replace missing teeth without affecting surrounding teeth 
  • Resolve jaw pain or bite issues caused by adjacent teeth shifting into missing tooth space
  • Help restore a patient’s confidence in their smile
  • Improve speech, eating and digestion
  • Restore or enhance facial tissues
  • Support a bridge or denture, making them comfortable and stable
Dental Implants | Norwood Dental

Why Replace Missing Teeth

It is imperative to replace any missing teeth because the teeth surrounding the gap may begin to shift out of place and cause misalignment issues. If a tooth is missing, the jaw bone around the area may also begin to deteriorate, resulting in facial collapse or negatively impacting your ability to eat and talk. 

Cosmetic Dental Services

Dental Implants  •  Dental Veneers   •   Dental Bonding   •   Teeth Whitening   •   Full Mouth Restoration   •   Laser Therapy

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