Emergency Dental Services in Winnipeg

At Norwood Dental Centre, serving St. Boniface, St. Vital, Downtown Winnipeg, and Windsor Park, we offer Emergency Dental Care. Contact our office and we will do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible to provide relief from any dental pain or issue you are experiencing.

Have a dental emergency? We can help.

You do not need to be a patient at our clinic to access our emergency services.

Call Us: (204) 235-0085

Regular Office Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 5:30pm

Friday: 8:30am to 12:30pm

What is a dental emergency?

The following conditions are examples of dental emergencies that should be treated as soon as possible.

Lost Fillings or Crowns

If you have lost a filling or crown, try to locate it if possible. Then call our office immediately to let us know you need an appointment.

Toothache or Infection

If you are experiencing any tooth pain it may be a result of an infection of the interior pulp of your tooth. If your pain cannot be managed with over-the-counter pain killers, please call our office right away to let us know you need an appointment.


If you are experiencing any swelling of the jaw, mouth or face, please call our office right away to let us know you need an appointment. In the meantime, ice the area and take an anti-inflammatory pain killer to help keep it under control. 

Broken or Chipped Teeth

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, try to locate the missing piece, as your dentist may be able to reattach it. Whether you can find it or not, please call our office straight away to get it fixed.

Knocked Out Teeth

If you have a knocked out tooth, try to find the tooth and if possible, re-insert it in the socket (making sure it is free of debris first). Bite down on the tooth gently but firmly. If you cannot replace the tooth in the socket, keep it moist by holding it in your mouth, or placing it in a glass of milk.

Call our office as soon as possible. The sooner you can see a dentist, the more likely it is that they will be able to save the tooth.

You Will Find Us In St. Boniface, Winnipeg


We are accepting new patients at our Winnipeg dental practice.

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(204) 235-0085 Request Appointment